Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November Goals!

So while it's still early in the days of this November, I thought I would share my monthly goals with you! Let's gooooo!
1. Drink more water. This may seem like a random one, but I feel like my body is just in a constant state of thirst, so I'm thinking I should change that. 
2. More, more, more makeup! As in, owning more, not wearing more. I used to collect, but I threw most of it away last year in an attempt to de-clutter my life. (....why did I do that? haha) So this month, I want to start making a list of the new products I would like to try! If you have any products that you swear by, leave them in the comments!
3. Start making lookbooks. I have always been wary of putting up lookbooks on my blog because I am curvy and I wear plus sized clothing, but I love fashion so I am going to be bold and start doing it! #Confidence.
4. Save money. I am really bad at saving money, so this is a huge goal for me this month, especially since the Christmas season is approaching! 
5. Organize my thoughts. Blogging always helps, (hence this list) but this month I'd really like to write things down when I need to remember them and get them done as soon as possible. Because I am a master procrastinator.
6. Not worry as much, just live! I am definitely a worrier, but this month I want to just live my life in the moment and not create fake scenarios in my head about how awkward I am! (that last part probably wont change....)
7. Blog! This is a goal for every month! I want to expand and connect with as many people as I can! I live in the Chicago area, so I'm sure there are plenty of bloggers near me, and I want to go to a meetup or something and really have the chance to connect with people.
So, there you have it! I will create a post at the end of the month updating you on whether or not I am an organized, non-awkward, makeup owning, water drinking, lookbook blogging, money saving, connection machine of happiness. :)
Lookbooks and carefree living...

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  1. Great post doll :) Yay for lookbooks and carefree living! xx

    The Belle Narrative

  2. Replies
    1. What part? Let me know if you ever hear about any meetups! I'm dying to meet bloggers in the area!

    2. Old Irving / Jefferson Park but I'm just moving i would love to go to a meetup too or to meet people in Chicago at least haha, right now I'm in mexico but I'll be back on december.

  3. Also need to do more of 2,4,6!
    Zoe xx

  4. Great post! You're very creative! :)

