Hi there!
Instagram: @thatbrooklynnpaige
Twitter: @thatbrookepaige
My name is Brooklynn, and honestly, I'm just here trying to get my life together. I'm a lover of all things beautiful, but these days that consists of watching The Office, spending loads of time looking at makeup, and spending time with my husband, Chase. (And soon our little baby! I am due in September.)
Chase and I in Wilmington, North Carolina :)
My two best friends, Nicole and Serena :) You'll hear about them too.
I decided to create this blog for a number of reasons. A while ago, I dove into the Tumblr realm, hoping to find something to do that interested me enough to stick with it for more than a week. In the past, my life has consisted of constant change and lots of different experiences. Though that is lovely, it became increasingly difficult for me to envision myself doing one thing for the rest of my life. So, I guess that's why I'm here!
After searching "Holiday Makeup Looks" on YouTube one very boring afternoon, I discovered Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter. This then lead me to find the slew of vloggers and blogger's I now follow everyday, and their love for what they do inspired me to give it a try. I am now obsessed with blogging about anything and everything. I'm so excited to share my view of the world with all of you, and I encourage you to do the same. I'd love to hear about your favorite things to do or your blog, so feel free to tweet or email telling me to do so! Promote yourself, I love it! Also, if anything I ever write helps you or offends you, please let me know. I'd love to know that I am making a positive impact, and if I'm not, I'd like to change that.
Thanks for reading, I hope to hear from you soon! Me, you, and happiness,
- Brooklynn.